DGL - 40 Jahre für unsere Gewässer

German Limnological Society

Limnology, the science of inland waters, is increasingly gaining in importance a significant area of ecology.

In 1984, the DGL was founded as a professional society to combine research and practice under one roof and to provide a platform for a lively and supportive exchange. At present, it has approx. 1,100 members.

The DGL's objective is to direct attention to the ecological connections between water management and water pollution control.

The DGL promotes and supports

  • the scientific exploration of inland waters
  • the training of graduate students and of a new generation of scientists
  • the continuing education of limnologists in business practice
  • the exchange of experience amongst limnologists and training
  • the improvement of the protection of water bodies as a component of the human environment and for their own sake

For this, the DGL organises

  • scientific annual conferences with focal points such as: lakes, ponds and running waters as ecosystems; anthropogenic water pollution; eco toxicology; management, inspection, assessment and cultivation of water bodies
  • conferences, meetings, seminars, and workshops regarding special topics
  • continuing education events for members as well as to the public.

The DGL prepares recommendations

  • for the protection and ecosystem-oriented management of waterways
  • for the content and scope of the education and continuing education of limnologists.

The DGL cooperates

  • with the International Society of Limnology SIL (former Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie)
  • with associations, institutions, government agencies and panels that are involved in water bodies and their protection.

The DGL publishes

  • Newsletters with current information and concern of the Society as well as reports and opinions regarding the situation of both limnology and water protection (in German)
  • conference proceedings with extended abstracts of the presentations and poster from the annual conferences of the DGL
  • recommendations for measures in water protection.

Receiving the Newsletters as well as the conference proceedings are both included in the membership fee.

  • Results of special events and projects, in cooperation with other professional associations.
  • The series of papers "Limnologie aktuell" (Limnology today) and the journal "Limnologica" (ELSEVIER GmbH, Urban & Fischer publishers) are published in cooperation with the DGL.

If you need further information, please contact us.